Installing Linux Operating system

In this documentation, I am writing to brain dump the things each time I do installation.

My preffered OS

I usually prefer to install debian. I prefer to install debian because of it's stability, people I know and the core philosophy of the project. That's why I install it.

I have two free bootware USB sticks. With this it's pretty easy to install anything. The first one was gifted by Abhijit P A, Debian Developer and second one I got it during Debconf.

Add user to sudoers

Edit: /etc/sudoers Add username in that file as:

username ALL=(ALL) ALL

Basic Installation software

sudo do apt update
sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install wget
sudo apt install git

# Installation of chrome

sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Text Editors

sudo apt install vim and VSCODE

apt install ./<>.deb

#older version
sudo dpkg -i <file>.deb
# sudo apt-get install -f # Install dependencies


Install nodejs

 sudo apt install nodejs npm

Install Python


. ~/.bashrc
conda install -yq mamba -c conda-forge


Check mouse trackpad setting to enable double tap

Displays in Linux

For screensharing - How to use two monitors or share when giving presentations??

It wasn't as complicated as I expected. Just press function key and then press the key for screensharing in laptop.

In my case it was: FN+ F7 key

Last updated